Funding For Startups In Victoria | Find Investors | LaunchVic

closing the gender investment gap


Between 2018-2021 only 4% of Australian VC funding went to women-founded startups. LaunchVic is working to change things with the $10 million Alice Anderson Fund, a sidecar fund that co-invests in women-led startups with private sector investors.

The Alice Anderson Fund

Funding AgTech innovation


The Hugh Victor McKay Fund is a sidecar fund for Victorian AgTech startups run by LaunchVic with funding from Agriculture Victoria.

The fund will co-invest between $100,000-$200,000 into at least ten early-stage AgTech startups over the next 12 months.

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VC Catalyst


Delivered by the Wade Institute of Entrepreneurship at the University of Melbourne, the immersive VC Catalyst course focuses on providing the next wave of venture investors with the knowledge, skills, confidence and networks to invest in early-stage startups.

With LaunchVic’s funding the program has supported more than 60 investors to unlock a collective $72.64 million in startup investment since 2019.

VC Catalyst

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