Office Hours


Office Hours is a no-cost service offered by LaunchVic to connect Victorian founders to specialists across a broad range of areas to help them in the early to mid-stages of their startup journey.

It’s also an opportunity to connect with LaunchVic and discover all the latest opportunities to launch, grow and scale your startup in Victoria.

a girl in an orange shirt on a video call with four other people to discuss their meeting

Startup coaching and mentoring

Explore programs, funding, and resources designed to help you thrive in the startup ecosystem, and get advice on marketing, pitching, prototyping and growth strategies.

Book in a session below.

See Terms & Conditions here.

An Introduction to the Startup Ecosystem

Getting Started

with the LaunchVic team

Session Description

If you’re looking for more information about what LaunchVic does and our contribution to the Victorian Startup Ecosystem, you’re in the right place!

Book a time with one of our team to discover what founder opportunities are on offer.

Getting started with your idea

Elle Phillips

Head of Startup Development

Session Description

Do you have a startup idea but aren’t sure what to do with it? Have you ever wondered what a pre-accelerator program is?

Elle Phillips, LaunchVic’s Head of Startup Development, can help you find the support you need to kick-start your idea. In this Office Hours Session she’ll answer your questions on what a pre-accelerator program is, the content they typically cover, and the steps you can take to find customer-product fit.

Use the calendar below to book in a time with Elle.

Connect with me on LinkedIn

Pitch Practice & Feedback

Mark Newman

Head of CivVic Labs

Session Description

Essential to any growing startup is a killer pitch. Whether you’re targeting new clients or hoping to fundraise, it’s essential for Founders to be able to clearly, succinctly, and convincingly pitch their concept.

Helping provide this feedback will be our Startup Programs Manager, Mark Newman.

Mark runs LaunchVic’s pre-accelerator program, CivVic Labs, which has had alumni startups raise over $2.5 million in early-stage funding since 2022.

Use the calendar below to book in a time with Mark.

Connect with me on LinkedIn

Early-stage fundraising

Josh Lipscombe

Head of Startup Success

Session Description

Are you a Founder interested in finding out more about raising your first round of capital? Josh Lipscombe, LaunchVic’s Head of Startup Success will be able to help guide your journey in navigating the fundraising journey.

Use the calendar below to book in a time with Josh.

Connect with me on LinkedIn

Engaging With Government

Elena Toh

Operations Manager

Session Description

As a startup, you may believe you have a product or service that can help governments solve a problem or a part of a problem, but where do you start?

In this Office Hours Session, LaunchVic’s Operations Manager, Elena Toh, will help you work through if you are ready to connect with government and offer advice on how to best interact with the public sector.

Use the calendar below to book in a time with Elena.

Connect with me on LinkedIn

Support for Women Founders

Getting Started

Session Description

Are you a Woman Founder interested in finding out more about the support the Victorian ecosystem has to offer? LaunchVic’s Investment Manager, Michelle Vu, or Senior Communications Advisor, Holly Clark, will be able to help guide you on your journey.

Use the calendar below to book in a time with Michelle or Holly.

Want to chat about something else?

Leave us a suggestion below for what Office Hours sessions you are interested in

If you have any questions about Office Hours, please contact us.

Office Hours Terms & Conditions

By booking in an Office Hours session with LaunchVic, you agree to have read, understood and agreed with the following Terms & Conditions.
All participants taking part in the Office Hours sessions, as provided by LaunchVic, must meet LaunchVic’s definition of Victorian-Based. This means that a startup must be a Victorian registered and headquartered company, and the founder / CEO must have a primary residence in Victoria. Any participant who does not yet have a registered business must have a primary residence in Victoria to participate.
Information Provided in Office Hours Sessions
Information made available in this service is intended for informational purposes only. It should not be construed as a substitute for professional advice in any field, including, but not limited to, legal, financial, or business matters. The Advisor does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any advice provided. Any actions you take based on the advice given are at your own risk. For this reason, any individual should, before acting on this information, consider the appropriateness of the information, and, if necessary, seek appropriate professional advice.
Information submitted by other entities to LaunchVic which is made available on or through this site is the sole responsibility of the person or entity that has submitted the information.
Feedback & Promotion
Any feedback provided by participants in the Office Hours sessions may be used to develop existing or future Office Hours sessions. Feedback provided may also be used in the promotion of future Office Hours sessions.
Data & Privacy
In an effort to provide more dedicated support and run the most relevant programs for our local founder community, we may ask for additional information and feedback following an Office Hours session.
These questions are completely optional, and you’re welcome to leave responses blank, or state that you would prefer not to disclose this information.
All information provided as part of this survey will be kept private and held in the strictest of confidence. Only LaunchVic team members that have been assigned to this service will have access to this information.
Version 1.2 – 7/11/2024