Startup Genome Global Entrepreneurship Network And LaunchVic Launch 2019 Global Startup Ecosystem Report - LaunchVic

Startup Genome Global Entrepreneurship Network And LaunchVic Launch 2019 Global Startup Ecosystem Report


Last Updated: May 10, 2019

The 2019 Global Startup Ecosystem Report (GSER) has launched today at The Next Web Conference.

The GSER is the world’s most comprehensive and widely-read research on startups based on data from thousands of startup founders and research on millions of companies.

LaunchVic engaged Startup Genome to benchmark Melbourne against more than 150 ecosystems globally.

Melbourne’s #GSER2019 highlights include:

  • Named as a Challenger Ecosystem: predicted to become one of top ecosystems in the next few years
  • Generated $2.24 billion (USD) / $3.19 (AUD) in Ecosystem Value (a 40% increase YoY)
  • Top 20 Global Ecosystem for Connectedness
  • Top 25 Global Ecosystem for Talent
  • Regional sub-sector strengths are Life Sciences and Edtech