Melbourne’s Startup Ecosystem Exceeds Growth Predictions, Valued at US$4.8 Billion - LaunchVic

Melbourne’s Startup Ecosystem Exceeds Growth Predictions, Valued at US$4.8 Billion


Last Updated: Thursday, 25 June 2020

– Results from the Global Startup Ecosystem Report (GSER) released today has revealed that Melbourne’s startup ecosystem value has grown by over US$2 billion in just the past 12-months.

With steady growth from US$1.6 billion in 2018 to US$2.24 billion in 2019 and US$4.8 billion in 2020, the results demonstrate just how much the Victorian startup ecosystem is growing, and how Melbourne has the opportunity to create more high skilled jobs.

Modelling released from LaunchVic in partnership Deloitte Access Economics earlier this month found that found the Victorian startup ecosystem had the potential to add on average an additional 15,000 jobs each year to the broader Victorian economy over the next 20 years.