About LaunchVic | LaunchVic

What we do

LaunchVic is leading the development of a globally-connected startup ecosystem.

With the help of startup founders, entrepreneurs and investors, corporates and universities, we aim to build a startup ecosystem that can strengthen the economy, encourage more people to work with and for startups, and represent all Victorians.

Our focus lies in the areas of funding, community building and global recognition for the Victorian startup ecosystem.

See our programs

Our Strategy

LaunchVic’s role is to drive the long-term success of Victoria’s startup ecosystem recognising the valuable contribution successful startups have on the economy through the creation of high value jobs and gross revenue for the State.

Through our work we are driving improvements in the startup investment landscape by developing the angel investor and early-stage venture capital markets in Victoria; supporting programs that build founder, investor, and talent capabilities; and continuing to drive awareness and advocate for startups.

Download our 2021/24 strategy